Postdoctoral fellow
School of Biological Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology

Ph.D. Biology (Microbial Molecular Genetics), University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Research interests

Currently, I am working on elucidating the mechanism of action of a chemoreceptor in the model organism zebrafish in order to understand the chemoreception of prey chemical defenses in the tropical coral reefs. I am also interested in exploring the role of evolutionarily conserved G-protein coupled receptors in unicellular eukaryotes in sensing environmental cues using the transcriptomics approach. Before joining Dr. Julia Kubanek’s lab, my research involved: 1) Dynamics of zooplankton community during phytoplankton bloom using comparative genomics approach, 2) Functional ecology related to pigments of the marine plankton using high throughput metabolomics approach and, 3) Exploring the biodiversity and metabolic potential of the extremophile microorganisms and investigation of the chemotherapeutic and antimicrobial potential of their pigments.


(To view full list of publications, click here)

Nazia Mojib, Xu, J., Bartolek, Z., Imhoff, B., McCarty, N.A., Shin, C.H., Kubanek, J. (2017) Zebrafish aversive taste co-receptor is expressed in both chemo- and mechanosensory cells and plays a role in lateral line development. Scientific Reports 7:13475. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-14042-3

Nadav, T., Nazia Mojib, Chande, A.T., Kubanek, J., Jordan, I.K, (2017) RampDB: a web application and database for the exploration and prediction of receptor activity modifying protein interactions. Database Volume 2017. bax067. DOI:

Nazia Mojib*, Thimma, M., Kumaran, M., Sougrat, R. and Irigoien, X*. (2016) Comparative metatranscriptomics reveals decline of a neustonic planktonic population. Limnology and Oceanography. doi:10.1002/lno.10395 (*Corresponding authors).

Schwartz, E.R., Poulin, R.X., Nazia Mojib, Kubanek, J. (2016) Chemical ecology of marine plankton. Natural Products Reports. 33(7):843-860.

Nazia Mojib*, Amad, M., Thimma, M., Aldanondo, N., Kumaran, M. and Irigoien, X. (2014) Carotenoid metabolic profiling and transcriptome genome mining reveal functional equivalence among blue-pigmented copepods and appendicularia. Molecular Ecology, 23: 2740–2756 (*Corresponding author).

Nazia Mojib, Amin Farhoomand, Dale Andersen and Asim Bej (2013) UV and cold tolerance of a pigment-producing Antarctic Janthinobacterium sp. Ant5-2. Extremophiles. 17(3):367-378.

Nazia Mojib, Dale T. Andersen and Asim K. Bej (2011) Structure and function of a Cold Shock Domain fold Protein, CspD in Janthinobacterium sp. Ant5-2 from East Antarctica. FEMS Microbiology Letters 319: 106-114.

Nazia Mojib, Tahseen H. Nasti, Venkatram R. Attigada, Richard B. Hoover, Nabiha Yusuf and Asim K. Bej (2011) The antiproliferative function of violacein-like purple violet pigment (PVP) from an Antarctic Janthinobacterium sp. Ant5-2 in UV induced 2237 fibrosarcoma. International Journal of Dermatology. 50: 1223-1233.